phrasal verb tentang pakaian
Grammar and Vocabulary

Phrasal Verbs Tentang Pakaian yang Dapat Kamu Pelajari


Sering mendengar istilah tentang phrasal verbs dalam percakapan bahasa Inggris? Lalu apa sih sebenarnya yang perlu kamu ketahui tentang hal tersebut?

Phrasal verbs merupakan sebuah frase yang isinya penggabungan antara kata kerja dengan preposisi atau adverb (keterangan). Biasanya frase dari hasil penggabungan tersebut membuat sebuah makna baru yang akan sering kamu temui pada percakapan bahasa Inggris sehari-hari.

Agar kemampuan conversation-mu semakin jago, yuk pelajari berbagai contoh phrasal verbs salah satunya yaitu tentang pakaian. Berikut contohnya:

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Incorrect phone number
Daftar Sekarang!

Dengan menekan tombol Daftar Sekarang, Anda menyetujui Kebijakan Privasi EF serta bersedia menerima penawaran dari EF.

*Syarat dan Ketentuan Berlaku

Phrasal Verbs


  • Try on.

  • Get into.

  • Fit into.

  • Put on.

  • Throw on.

  • Have on.

  • Take off.

  • Zip up.

  • Button up.

  • Tuck in.

  • Roll up.

  • Dress up.

  • Dress up like.

  • Wear.

  • Slip-on.

  • Slip off.

  • Lace-up.

  • Break-in.

  • Fold up.

  • Hangs up.

  • He is trying on this striped shirt.

  • Do you think that I will be able to get into this shirt?

  • I used to fit into this dress 2 years ago!

  • She puts on a hoodie because it's a little bit chilly outside today.

  • She is late, so she's just going to throw on her jacket and run out the door!

  • Jake has had on his hoodie all day even though it's spring.

  • After wearing his coat all day, he is finally ready to take it off.

  • Louise zips up his coat to get ready to go outside.

  • You need to make sure to button up your blouse carefully.

  • He always tucks in his shirt before going to work.

  • Ronald likes to roll up his sleeves to make his looks more casual.

  • Dress up: Lily is really dressing up for this date!

  • My sister is dressed up like a princess on her wedding.

  • Mike wore his favorite shorts so much that now they are completely worn out.

  • Jess slips on her shoes before she goes outside.

  • She quickly slips off her shoes every time she goes inside the house.

  • Ben is lacing up his hiking boots and then he ties the laces into a double knot.

  • These are new boots, so Ben needs to break them in for a few days.

  • After washing her favorite jumpsuit, Aline folds it up carefully.

  • Clara hangs up his cardigan and puts it away in the closet.

Yuk tingkatkan lagi kemampuan bahasa Inggrismu dengan menguasai berbagai phrasal verbs. Kamu bisa mendapatkan materi tentang kosakata bahasa Inggis lainnya hanya di Grammar and Vocabulary section.

Selain itu kamu juga berkesempatan untuk belajar bahasa Inggris dengan mudah dan praktis. Penasaran? Langsung saja isi nomormu pada kolom yang tersedia dan dapatkan jawabannya segera!