Simple Past Tense

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Definisi dari simple past tense

Simple past tense, terkadang disebut preterite, digunakan untuk membicarakan kejadian yang sudah selesai di waktu sebelum sekarangSimple past adalah bentuk dasar dari past tense dalam bahasa Inggris. Kejadian dapat terjadi belum lama di masa lalu atau sudah lama di masa lalu, dan durasi kejadiannya tidak penting.

  • John Cabot sailed to America in 1498.
  • My father died last year.
  • He lived in Fiji in 1976.
  • We crossed the Channel yesterday.

Anda selalu menggunakan simple past saat mengatakan kapan sesuatu terjadi. Jadi, tense ini berkaitan dengan ekspresi waktu lampau tertentu.

  • frekuensi: often, sometimes, always
    I sometimes walked home at lunchtime.
    I often brought my lunch to school.
  • waktu yang spesifik atau jelas: last week, when I was a child, yesterday, six weeks ago
    We saw a good film last week.
    Yesterday, I arrived in Geneva.
    She finished her work atseven o'clock
    I went to the theatre last night
  • waktu yang tidak spesifik atau tidak jelas: the other day, ages ago, a long time ago
    People lived in caves a long time ago.
    She played the piano when she was a child.

Catatan: Kata ago adalah cara yang baik untuk menyatakan jarak ke masa lalu. Kata ini diletakkan setelah periode waktu: a week ago, three years ago, a minute ago.

Hati-hati: Simple past dalam bahasa Inggris mungkin terlihat seperti tense dalam bahasa Anda, tetapi artinya mungkin berbeda.

Membentuk Simple Past Tense

Pola dari simple past tense untuk kata kerja beraturan
Subjek + kata kerja (verb) + ed  
I skipped.  
Subjek + did not + infinitive tanpa to
They didn't go.
Did + subjek + infinitive tanpa to
Did she arrive?
Pertanyaan negatif
Did not + subjek + infinitive tanpa to
Didn't you play?
To Walk
Positif Negatif Pertanyaan
I walked. I didn't walk. Did I walk?
You walked. You didn't walk. Did you walk?
He walked. He didn't walk. Did he walk?
We walked. We didn't walk. Did we walk?
They walked. They didn't walk. Did they walk?
Simple past tense dari to be, to have, to do
Subjek Kata Kerja (Verb)
  Be Have Do
I was had did
You were had did
He/She/It was had did
We were had did
You were had did
They were had did

Catatan untuk bentuk positif, negatif, dan pertanyaan


Bentuk positif dari simple past tense sangat sederhana.

  • I was in Japan last year
  • She had a headache yesterday.
  • We did our homework last night.
Negatif dan pertanyaan

Untuk bentuk simple past negatif dan pertanyaan dari "to do" sebagai kata kerja biasa, gunakan auxiliary "did". Contoh: We didn't do our homework last night.
Bentuk negatif dari "have" dalam simple past biasanya dibentuk menggunakan auxiliary "did", tetapi terkadang hanya dengan menambahkan not atau singkatan (contraction"n't".

Bentuk pertanyaan dari "have" dalam simple past biasanya menggunakan auxiliary "did".

  • They weren't in Rio last summer.
  • We didn't have any money.
  • We didn't have time to visit the Eiffel Tower.
  • We didn't do our exercises this morning.
  • Were they in Iceland last January?
  • Did you have a bicycle when you were young?
  • Did you do much climbing in Switzerland?

Catatan: Untuk bentuk negatif dan pertanyaan dari semua kata kerja dalam simple past, selalu gunakan auxiliary "did".

Simple past, kata kerja tidak beraturan

Beberapa kata kerja dalam simple past tidak beraturan. Inilah beberapa kata kerja tidak beraturan yang paling sering digunakan.

to go
  • He went to a club last night.
  • Did he go to the cinema last night?
  • He didn't go to bed early last night.
to give
  • We gave her a doll for her birthday.
  • They didn't give John their new address.
  • Did Barry give you my passport?
to come
  • My parents came to visit me last July.
  • We didn't come because it was raining.
  • Did he come to your party last week?
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