Surat penawaran dalam bahasa Inggris adalah surat yang berisi penawaran barang atau jasa dari suatu perusahaan yang disampaikan melalui surat kertas maupun sebuah surat elektronik atau e-mail. Cara membuat surat penawaran dalam bahasa Inggris sama dengan bahasa Indonesia pada umumnya. Di bagian atas ada alamat tertuju, kemudian kalimat pembuka, isi dan kemudian kalimat penutup.
May 4th 2013
To: New York Broadway Ent,
Show and EO Dept.,
New York, U.S.A
Dear Sir,
We thank you for your interest with our show with SNSI Girl Group which shown in your email dated April 28th 2013.
We have a vast variety of show, and the girl group will available from date September until October. We would like to discuss the show with your company.
We earnestly feel that it shall be good for both the companies if you or any authorised person from your Show and EO Dept visit our company for an on-the-spot assessment.
We shall be glad to receive him to view our schedule and production show method.
Yours faithfully,
Won Bin
Overseas Show Manager
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