Saat belajar bahasa indonesia, Anda pasti sudah familiar dengan istilah 5W+1H bukan? Sama seperti bahasa Indonesia, di dalam belajar bahasa Inggris, 5W+1H juga menjadi aspek penting dalam kalimat.
5W + 1H memudahkan Anda untuk menyusun pertanyaan maupun menjawab pertanyaan yang memiliki tujuan dan maksud yang jelas dan terarah. 5W + 1H sendiri merupakan singkatan dari Who (siapa), What (Apa), Why (kenapa), Where (dimana), When (kapan) dan How (bagaimana). Dalam menyusun sebuah berita dan laporan, 6 aspek ini harus termuat di dalamnya.
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Who dalam bahasa Inggris memiliki arti ‘siapa’ di dalam bahasa Indonesia. Jadi Anda menggunakan kata who untuk menanyakan seseorang yang terlibat di dalam teks atau kalimat yang tengah Anda susun, seperti contoh:
- Who are you?
- Who is this beautiful person next to you?
- Who would want to call me in the middle of the night?
What adalah kata ‘apa’ dalam bahasa Inggris. Anda dapat menggunakan kata what untuk menanyakan suatu benda, suatu peristiwa, atau nama seseorang. Contohnya:
- What is his name?
- What happened ten years ago at Aceh, Indonesia?
- What are you going to buy for Mom’s birthday?
Untuk teks berita atau laporan, biasanya what digunakan untuk menyusun pertanyaan seperti berikut:
- What is the motive?
- What are the purposes of this research?
Where memili arti ‘dimana’ jika di artikan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Anda dapat menggunakan kata where untuk menanyakan Anda sedang berada di mana, Anda akan pergi kemana, atau lokasi suatu tempat. Contoh:
- Where are we going, Dad?
- Where is the Eiffel Tower?
- Where are you right now?
Sedangkan dalam sebuah berita atau laporan, kata Where dapat digunakan untuk menyusun pertanyaan seperti berikut:
- Where did it happen?
- Where the murder occurred?
- Where is the research held?
When adalah ‘kapan’ dalam bahasa Ingris. Anda dapat menggunakan kata when untuk menanyakan waktu suatu peristiwa yang sudah lalu atau yang akan datang. Contohnya:
- When are you going to get married?
- When was the last time you had lunch with her?
- When will the next full moon occur?
- When is the accident happened?
- When is the date when the research occurred?
Why adalah ‘mengapa’ dalam bahasa Inggris. Jadi Anda menggunakan kata why untuk menanyakan penjelasan terhadap terjadinya suatu peristiwa. Contoh:
- Why is the sky blue?
- Why are you calling her in the middle of a meeting?
- Why do you put milk in your noodles?
How atau ‘bagaimana’ jika didalam bahasa Inggris. Anda menggunakan kata how untuk menanyakan cara prosedur suatu kegiatan atau proses mengenai suatu peristiwa. Contoh :
- How do you make the cake?
- How did the tsunami happen?
- How did it happen?
- How to make the pie?
On Monday 24th September 2018, robbery has happened around midnight. An eyewitness said that the suspect rides his red pickup truck and wearing a black outfit from head to toe.
The suspect was breaking into the house by damaged the window frame near the kitchen. The victim, Potter's family, said that the suspect gets to take some jewelry and rare pottery and porcelain from their house on Pochinki Street, right before they heard some noises downstairs and discovered the robber.
Mr Potter immediately calls the police and get the police to their house 10 minutes after the call. After 10 minutes gathered some information, the police search around the neighbourhood and found the red pickup truck and the suspect matched identity while he filled up his gas not later than 1 hour after the robbery he did.
The suspect turns out used to be the Potter family's driver until he fired for taking the family car for four days without notice. The motive was to get revenge because the suspect can't accept he must lose the job. The suspect later brought in by the police to the jail to take further actions.
5W+1H :
- What : What happened?
- Who : Who did the robbery?
- Where : Where the theft occurred?
- When : When is the time of the case?
- Why : Why is the suspect do the looting?
- How : How did it happen?
- What happened?
Robbery has happened
- Who did the robbery?
The fired driver of the victim family.
- Where the theft occurred?
The victim’s house on Pochinki Road.
- When is the time of the case?
Monday midnight, 24th September 2018.
- Why is the suspect do the looting?
The motive was to get revenge because the suspect can't accept he must lose the job.
- How did it happen?
The suspect was breaking into the house by damaged the window frame near the kitchen and took the victim jewelry and rare pottery and porcelain.