although eventhough
Grammar and Vocabulary

Penggunaan Although dan Even Though dalam Bahasa Inggris


Although dan even though adalah conjunctions dan memiliki arti yang sama. Kedua kata tersebut digunakan untuk awal pada subordinate clause, dan mengekspresikan aksi di main clause seperti surprising, unusual, atau unexpected.

Contoh kalimat:

She drives one handcar...(main clause)

...even though she’s a multi-millionaire. (subordinate clause)

Contoh di atas, menyatakan bahwa a millionaire drives one hand car.

Kita bisa memulai dengan subordinate clause tanpa mengubah makna:

Even though she’s a multi-millionaire, she drives one handcar.

Contoh lainnya:

  • Although/even though/though the weather is not good, I will meet you at the campus

  • I meet you at the campus, although/even though/though the weather is not good

  • Although/even though/though she was much younger than me, she won the games

  • She won the games, although/even though/though she was much younger than me.

Dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris terkadang kita menggunakan though daripada although. Kita dapat menggunakan even though daripada although/though untuk menambah penegasan

Although dan though (tapi bukan even though) dapat berarti but atau however. Ketika kita menggunakan though di dalam konteks, harus ditempatkan pada akhir suatu kalimat.

  • They had sent him a warning, although he was still trying to explain himself.

  • They had sent him a warning. He was still trying to explain himself, though. (informal)

  • They had sent him a warning. However, he was still trying to explain himself.

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