direct and indirect speech
Grammar and Vocabulary

Latihan Soal Direct and Indirect Speech, Bikin Ngobrol Auto Nyambung

tom thunder
Tom Thunder

Direct and indirect speech, bentuk kalimat ini pasti kamu gunakan sehari-hari. Kalau dalam Bahasa Indonesia, kamu pasti sudah terbiasa dengan bentuk kalimat langsung dan tidak langsung. Tapi, bagaimana kalau dalam Bahasa Inggris? Ayo kita latihan!

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Pengertian Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct speech (kalimat langsung) adalah bentuk kalimat untuk mengulang apa yang diucapkan oleh orang lain dengan kata-kata yang sama. Direct speech juga dikenal sebagai quoted speech. Indirect speech (kalimat tidak langsung) adalah bentuk kalimat yang digunakan untuk melaporkan ayau menyampaikan kembali apa yang diucapkan orang lain. Indirect speech juga bisa disebut sebagai reported speech.

Kamu bisa baca penjelasan detail direct and indirect speech di artikel EF Blog yang ini ya: Mengenal Direct dan Indirect Speech

Rumus Direct and Indirect Speech

Kalimat langsung dan tidak langsung dalam Bahasa Inggris sedikit berbeda dengan bentuk kalimat langsung dan tidak langsung dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Ada aturan yang harus kamu ikuti, Buddy. Agar memudahkanmu, Tom sudah merangkum rumusnya di bawah ini.

Rumus #1: Perubahan Kata Ganti

Direct Speech ➡️ Indirect Speech

I ➡️ He/She

You ➡️ He/She?They

They ➡️ They

Their ➡️ Their

We ➡️ They

Us ➡️ Them

Our ➡️ Their

She ➡️ She

Her ➡️ Her

He ➡️ He

His ➡️ His

It ➡️ It

Its ➡️ Its

Rumus #2: Perubahan Modal Verb

Direct Speech ➡️ Indirect Speech

Can ➡️ Could

May ➡️ Might

Must ➡️ Had to/ Would have to

Should ➡️ Should

Might ➡️ Might

Could ➡️ Could

Would ➡️ Would

Ought to ➡️ Ought to

Rumus #3: Perubahan Tenses

Direct Speech ➡️ Indirect Speech

  • Present simple tense: (Subject + V1 + Object) ➡️ Past simple tense: (Subject + V2 + Object)

  • Present continuous tense: (Subject + is/am/are + V-ing + Object) ➡️ Past continuous tense: (Subject + was/were + V-ing + Object)

  • Present perfect tense: (Subject + has/have + V3 + Object) ➡️ Past perfect tense: (Subject + had + V3 + Object)

  • Past simple tense: (Subject + V2 + Object) ➡️ Past perfect tense: (Subject + had + V3 + Object)

  • Past continuous tense: (Subject + was/were + V-ing + Object) ➡️ Past perfect continuous tense: (Subject + had been + V-ing + Object)

  • Future simple tense: (Subject + will/shall + V1 + Object) ➡️ Present conditional tense: (Subject + would + V1 + Object)

  • Future continuous tense: (Subject + will/shall + be + V-ing + Object) ➡️ Conditional continuous tense: (Subject + would + be + V-ing + Object)

Dari pengertian dan rumus yang sudah Tom berikan, apakah kamu sudah mulai paham tentang direct and indirect speech? Bagaimana kalau kita mengerjakan latihan soal di bawah ini?

Latihan Soal Direct and Indirect Speech 1

Ubahlah kalimat berikut ke dalam bentuk kalimat tidak langsung

1. “I am going to the town hall tomorrow.” said Ron.

2. "What time does the movie start?" asked Kev.

3. "If you don't start studying now, you'll regret it later," warned the teacher.

4. "Can you send me the box, please?" requested Andrea.

5. Ben suggested to me, "We should go for a hike this weekend,"

6. Rosa exclaimed, “I love muffins with a lot of berries.”

7. Roddy asked, “How do you know that today is my friend’s birthday?”

8. "I've been working on this project for months, and I'm not going to let anyone stand in my way," declared the top student.

9. Keanu whispered, “You must be quiet when entering the castle.”

10. “Can you ask Helen whether she could help me with the painting?”, said Jena to Fleet.

Latihan Soal Direct and Indirect Speech 2

Ubahlah kalimat berikut ke dalam bentuk kalimat langsung

1. Austin said that he was feeling unwell and might need to see a doctor.

2. My brother told me that he had finished his homework and was ready to go to the cinema.

3. Rachel mentioned that she would be traveling to London next Christmas.

4. The teacher reminded the students that they should submit their assignments by Thursday.

5. Chris mentioned that he had read The Hobbit and found it quite interesting.

6. The tour guide suggested that we visit the museum first and then explore the nearby market.

7. He sighed that he had to finish the report by Wednesday.

8. He pleaded if I could help him.

9. The doctor advised Austin to get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids to recover from the flu.

10. He admitted that he had forgotten to return the library books and would do so later today.

Buddy, apakah kamu bisa mengerjakan latihan soalnya dengan baik? Kalau kamu masih punya pertanyaan lebih lanjut dan ingin mendapat penjelasan yang lebih detail, kamu bisa bertanya langsung ke guru-guru EF lewat program kelas gratis. Seru kan? Cara ikut kelasnya gampang kok! Kamu hanya perlu mendaftarkan nomor handphone aktif, lalu kamu bisa langsung mengunjungi sekolah EF terdekat setelah mendapat jadwal kelas dari Course Consultant EF.

Yuk ikuti pengalaman belajar Bahasa Inggris menyenangkan bersama EF. Sampai jumpa di kelas!