Sedang mencari contoh soal passive voice untuk latihan? EF punya segudang latihan soal bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu kerjakan untuk mematangkan pemahamanmu tentang active & passive voice. Ambil buku dan pensilmu, ayo kita belajar!
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Sebelum masuk ke latihan soal, Tom mau memberimu penyegaran singkat tentang materi active & passive voice.
Active voice atau kalimat aktif merupakan bentuk kalimat dimana subyek melakukan sebuah kegiatan. Sementara passive voice atau kalimat pasif adalah bentuk kalimat dimana sebuah kegiatan dilakukan oleh subyek.
Dari penjelasan di atas, kamu sudah bisa menemukan perbedaannya kan? Sekarang, mari kita lanjut ke latihan soal!
Tentukan kalimat di bawah ini termasuk active voice atau passive voice.
The frisbee was caught by the dog.
Taylor Swift sings Bad Blood so passionately.
The lost item was found by Clora.
Kev helped Roddy with his homework.
The cat broke the vase.
Harry Potter was written by J. K. Rowling.
My team played basketball last weekend.
I like popcorn.
Somebody should wipe the table.
Spanish was spoken by Argentinians.
The lady asked for a change.
The bedroom was cleaned by us.
The treehouse was built by uncle Josh.
Elise closes the curtain.
My mother bought too much fruit.
Ubahlah kalimat berikut ke dalam passive voice.
The group danced to Super Shy by New Jeans.
The sheep ate grass.
Did you paint the wall?
Somebody must have taken my phone.
Everybody loves Cooper.
Last week, my family visited Aunt Lola.
Ubahlah kalimat berikut ke dalam active voice.
The question will be asked by Jonathan.
The apple was eaten by Snow White.
The math project was completed by Ben and Tom.
The money is being collected by the class president.
The story was told by Fleet.
The cake will be bought by Anna.
Selamat mengerjakan ya EFriends. Kalau kamu masih bingung tentang passive voice, kamu bisa baca penjelasan lebih lanjut di artikel Passive Voice dalam Bahasa Inggris ↗️ atau bertanya ke guru-guru di EF.
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