Semakin berkembangnya era literasi digital, menjadi mudah untuk kita dapat mempelajari banyak contoh soal secara online. Terutama bagi kamu yang sedang mencarinya untuk sekedar meningkatkan kemampuanmu. Berikut contoh soal bahasa Inggris beserta kunci jawabannya!
Yuk, coba kelas demo GRATIS!*
Mau kursus di EF? Coba kelas demo gratis* di EF center terdekatmu!
Kali ini, EF akan mengajak kamu untuk berlatih penggunaan As If dan As Though. Frasa ini dapat digunakan untuk kalimat pengandaian, yaitu menjelaskan ide atau keadaan yang tidak sesuai dengan kenyataannya jika diikuti oleh tenses seperti past atau past perfect tense. Sementara itu, apabila diikuti oleh present continuous dan future tense dapat digunakan untuk menggambarkan kondisi yang sebenarnya.
Untuk mengetahui penjelasannya lebih rinci serta contoh penggunaan As If dan As Though, kamu dapat membacanya pada artikel ini.
Jika sudah mengetahui cara penggunaan kedua frasa tersebut, langsung saja yuk latih kemampuanmu pada contoh soal di bawah ini!
It looks like rain (Keterangan: Like diikuti oleh a noun object)
It looks as if it is going to rain (Keterangan: as if diikuti oleh a clause)
*Keduanya memiliki persamaan makna*
Pernyataan yang benar
He is not a child.
She will be here
Bentuk setelah As If/As Though
She talked to him as if her were a child.
She spoke as if she wouldn’t be here.
(You didn’t see a ghost)
What’s the matter? You look __________________________
(I didn’t climb Mt. Everest)
When I reached the third floor, I was winded. I felt __________________________
(We haven’t known each other all of our lives)
We became good friends almost immediately. After talking to each other for a long time, we felt __________________________
(I don’t have wings and can’t fly)
I was so happy that I felt __________________________
(A bulldozer didn't run over his car)
After that incident, his car looked ________________________________
(English is not his native tongue)
He speaks English________________________________
(The child won't burst)
The Child was so excited that he looked________________________________
Note: The following sentiments were expressed by Helen Keller, a woman who was both blind and deaf but who learned to speak and to read (Braille).
Use your eyes as if tomorrow you ______________become blind. Hear the music of voices, the song of a bird, as if you ______________become deaf tomorrow. Touch each object as if tomorrow you ______________never be able to feel anything again. Smell the perfume of flowers and taste with true enjoyment each bite of food as if tomorrow you ______________never be able to smell and taste again.
You ______________something is bothering you. Is there a problem?
The surface of the chair ____________it has been hit with something hard.
Apakah kamu sudah mencatat dan mengingat jawabanmu pada soal di atas? Sekarang, waktunya cek jawaban kamu di bawah ini!
Kunci Jawaban Exercise:
You look like you saw a ghost.
I felt as if I climbed Mount Everest.
After talking to each other for a long time, we felt as though we had known each other all of our lives.
I was so happy that I felt as if I had wings and could fly.
After that incident, his car looked like a bulldozer ran over it.
He speaks English as if it is his native language.
The child was so excited that he looked as if he would burst.
Look as if
feels as if
Jika kamu masih bingung bagaimana cara menjawab contoh soal bahasa Inggris dengan tepat, melalui kelas demo GRATIS kamu bisa bertanya langsung pada guru profesional kami. Tentunya kelas ini terbuka bagi siapa pun yang tertarik untuk mempelajari bahasa Inggris dan mengasah kemampuannya.
Jadi, tunggu apa lagi? Ajak temanmu dan DAFTAR SEKARANG JUGA!!