contoh conjunction
Grammar and Vocabulary

Contoh Conjunction Bahasa Inggris Plus Latihan Soal

tom thunder
Tom Thunder

Another day another English practice. Salah satu cara agar semakin jago Bahasa Inggris adalah dengan rajin berlatih ya. Hari ini, kita akan mempertajam pemahaman materi conjunction, alias kata penghubung dalam Bahasa Inggris.

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*Syarat dan Ketentuan Berlaku

EFriends sudah pernah belajar materi conjunction? Conjunction adalah salah satu part of speech. Conjunction atau konjungsi merupakan kata penghubung yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan kata, frasa atau klausa. Yang termasuk bagian dari conjunction adalah for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so, not only, but, also, after, before, whether, as, how, then, where, although, since, though, while, because, until, dan masih banyak lagi,

Kalau dirangkai menjadi sebuah kalimat, contohnya seperti di bawah ini ya

I want to eat either sandwich or fried rice.

(Aku ingin makan sandwich atau nasi goreng.

Chocolate and vanilla ice cream are both delicious, but I prefer chocolate.

(Es krim cokelat dan vanila sama-sama enak, tapi aku lebih memilih cokelat.)

Latihan Soal Conjunction

1. I wanted to go to the park, ___ it started raining heavily.

2. She enjoys playing tennis, ___ she's never won a match.

3. ___ they were tired after the long hike, they decided to climb one more peak.

4. She was excited about the party, ___ she bought a new dress for the occasion.

5. He forgot his lunch at home, ___ he had to buy something from the cafeteria.

6. She didn't like coffee ___ tea.

7. He couldn't afford to buy the new video game ___ he didn't have enough money.

8. I enjoy cooking, ___ I'm not very good at it.

9. ___ finishing his homework, he went out to play with his friends.

10. ___ going to bed, she always reads a chapter from her favorite book.

11. He couldn't decide ___ to study math or literature.

12. ___ the sun set, the sky turned into a brilliant display of colors.

13. He finished his dinner, ___ went for a walk in the neighborhood.

14. ___ it was raining, they decided to go for a hike.

15. They threw her a surprise party ___ it was her birthday,

16. He stayed up late to finish his homework ¬___ he was tired.

17. ___ she was cooking dinner, he set the table.

18. He arrived late for the meeting ___ he missed the bus.

19. ___ she receives the payment; she won't deliver the goods.

20. He couldn't concentrate ___ of the loud music playing next door.

21. The team faced numerous challenges during the project; ___, they persevered and completed it on time.

22. She aspired to become a doctor, ___ she must overcome her fear of blood.

23. Edward is an excellent musician; ___, he excels in composing his own music.

24. Aurora couldn't decide which movie to watch, ___ she asked her friend to choose one.

25. ___ the teacher ___ the students were satisfied with the exam results, so they decided to review the material again.

Apakah kamu bisa menjawab semua soalnya EFriends? Conjunction ini ada banyak macamnya lho, mulai dari yang dasar sampai tingkat lanjut. Nah, kalau kamu mau tahu lebih banyak seputar conjunction, Tom punya banyak artikel yang bisa kamu baca di EF Blog!

Kalau artikel-artikel di atas masih kurang memuaskan rasa penasaranmu untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris, kamu bisa langsung saja dating ke sekolah EF terdekat di lokasimu dan ikut kelas gratis. Di sana, kamu bisa bertanya langsung ke guru-guru EF dan juga bersenang-senang dengan teman baru! Terdengar seru kan? Yuk jadwalkan kelas gratismu sekarang!

*Kunci jawaban:

But, Yet, Although, So, So, Nor, Since, But, After, Before, Whether, As, Then, Although, Since, Even Though, While, Because, Until, Because, Nevertheless, Yet, So, Moreover, So, Neither … nor.