Cerita The Hungry Vampire
Listening and Speaking

The Hungry Vampire (Vampir yang Kelaparan)


Mendengarkan cerita sangat bagus untuk mengembangkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris anak dan meningkatkan imajinasi dan kreativitas mereka. Cerita anak dapat ditemukan melalui video-video atau buku-buku cerita anak. Mari bersama-sama membaca cerita Vampir yang Kelaparan hari ini.

Once upon a time, people and vampires lived together on an island very far from here. In the day, people went to work, and at night, vampires went out and looked for food. All of the moms and dads on the island told their children not to go outside at night. They thought vampires were scary, but none of the people had ever seen a real vampire.

One sunny day, at lunch time, a little boy met a vampire who was hiding in the corner of the room! The vampire had a blue face and long fangs. The boy was shocked!

“Don’t be scared!” the vampire said. “I’m a vegetarian vampire. I only eat fruit and vegetables!”

“Oh! Good! It’s nice to meet you,” the boy said.

“I’m starving because my vegetables need some water, but I’ll disappear if I go into the sun,” the vampire said. “Can you help me?”

“Of course,” the boy said. He took a bottle and helped the vampire to water the carrots, the cucumbers, and the lettuce. Suddenly, all of the vegetables looked better. The vampire quickly ate the vegetables.

After vampire ate his green vegetables, his face was green, not blue! Now, he was full and happy.

“Thanks for helping me” the vampire said, “To say ‘thank you’, do you want to play with me tonight?”

“Yes!” said the boy excitedly, because he was very curious about the dark night.

After that the vampire took the boy to explore the island every night, and the boy and the vampire were best friends.

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  1. Vampire : / ‘væmpaɪə(r)/
    n. Vampir
    Fang : / fæŋ/
    n. Gigi Taring
    Vegetarian : / vedʒə’teəriən /
    n. Vegetarian
    Starving : / ‘stɑː(r)vɪŋ /
    adj. Lapar
    Disappear : / dɪsəˈpɪə(r)/
    v. Menghilang
    Explore/ ɪk’splɔː(r)/
    v. Menjelajah


  1. Curious about : Penasaran dengan

Kalimat Hari ini

1. “They thought vampires were scary, but none of the people had ever seen a real vampire.”

“Mereka mengira vampir itu menakutkan, tapi tidak ada orang yang pernah melihat vampir sejati.”

2. One sunny day, at lunch time, a little boy met a vampire who was hiding in the corner of the room!

Suatu hari yang cerah, pada waktu makan siang, seorang anak laki-laki bertemu dengan seorang vampir yang sedang bersembunyi di sudut ruangan!