the candy mountain
Listening and Speaking

Mendengarkan cerita sangat bagus untuk mengembangkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris anak dan meningkatkan imajinasi dan kreativitas mereka. Mari bersama-sama membaca cerita Gunung Permen hari ini.

The Candy Mountain (Gunung Permen)

In a small town, very far from here, there was a poor family. All of the family — a little boy, Charles, and six grown-ups (his two grandmas, his two grandpas, his mom and his dad) — lived together in a small, wooden house. Sometimes they were very hungry all day, but they all loved each other very much, so they were usually very happy.

Every night, Charles dreamed about something more delicious than vegetable and rice soup. The one thing he longed for more than anything else was . . . CANDY! But he never told anyone this because he knew his family couldn’t buy candy for him. So, he made the same birthday wish every year: “I wish I could have a lot of candy”.

Yuk, coba kelas demo GRATIS!*

Mau kursus di EF? Coba kelas demo gratis* di EF center terdekatmu!

Incorrect phone number
Daftar Sekarang!

Dengan menekan tombol Daftar Sekarang, Anda menyetujui Kebijakan Privasi EF serta bersedia menerima penawaran dari EF.

*Syarat dan Ketentuan Berlaku

Then, one day, a kind fairy heard Charles’ wish and used some magic! When Charles was walking home from school, he saw a poster of Candy Mountain. Charles was shocked! He didn’t know that there was a real mountain made of all kinds of candy! “Oh, this is the place I dreamed of!” he thought.

He touched the poster and something magical happened. A clown jumped out of the poster and said, “Hi, Charles! I’m from Candy Mountain. I know you love candy, so do you want to go to Candy Mountain with me?”

“Of Course!” Charles said, and they jumped into the poster.

“Welcome to Candy Mountain, all of the mountain is made of candy,” the clown said. “Take any candy you want!”

The boy climbed up and saw something shiny and gold. “I want this one!” he said.

“That is beautiful!” the clown says. “It’s the letter ‘C’! I know you’re a very good boy, so you can have some chocolate too.”

The boy thanked the clown for the candy ‘C’ and the chocolate, but he never forgot about his family, so he also took some candy for them. The clown was right; he was a very good boy!

Kosakata dan Ungkapan


  1. Grown-up:/ ɡrəʊn-ʌp/
    n. Dewasa

  2. Fairy:/ ‘feəri /
    n. Peri

  3. Magic:/ ‘mædʒɪk /

  4. Poster:/ ˈpəʊstə(r)/
    n. Poster

  5. Shocked:/ ʃɒkt/ (Kata kerja masa lampau dari shock)
    v. Terkejut

  6. Clown:/ klaʊn/
    n. Badut

  7. Climb :/ klaɪm/
    v. Memanjat

  8. Shiny :/ ‘ʃaɪni/
    adj. Bersinar


  1. dream about : Bermimpi mengenai

  2. long for : Berkeinginan

  3. forget about : Lupa akan

Kalimat Hari ini

1. Sometimes they were very hungry all day, but they all loved each other very much, so they were usually very happy.

Terkadang mereka sangat lapar setiap hari, tetapi mereka saling mencintai satu sama lain sehingga mereka biasanya sangat bahagia.

2. The boy thanked the clown for the candy ‘C’ and the chocolate, but he never forgot about his family, so he also took some candy for them.

Si anak lelaki berterima kasih kepada si badut untuk permen “C” dan cokelat, tetapi dia tidak pernah melupakan keluarganya. Jadi, dia juga membawa beberapa permen untuk mereka.