latihan soal also
Grammar and Vocabulary

Latihan Soal Also, Too, dan As Well. Siap Mengerjakan?

tom thunder
Tom Thunder

Setelah kemarin kita sudah belajar penjelasan dan contoh kalimat also, too dan as well, hari ini Tom mau meguji pemahamanmu. Apakah kamu sudah benar-benar paham kapan harus menggunakan also, too dan as well? Yuk kerjakan latihan soal bahasa Inggris di bawah ini.

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Kamu masih ingat kan perbedaan antara also, too dan as well? Meskipun artinya sama-sama untuk menyatakan “juga”, dalam grammar, mereka diletakkan di posisi yang berbeda ya EFriends. Selamat mengerjakan latihan soal ini ya.

1. Amanda ___ wants to attend the party.

2. Elise: What do you want to drink? I want to order Earl Grey tea.

Ben: I want that ___.

3. Not only does Fleet study hard, but he ___ participates in extracurricular activities.

4. Tama didn't like the play, and I didn't ___.

5. Lina: Do you know what is Rani’s favourite food?

Aurora: She loves chocolate, and she adores cake ___.

6. He enjoys hiking, and he is fond of camping ___.

7. The students finished their project early, and they ___ completed their assignment.

8. My parents are traveling to Europe, and my sister is going with them ___.

9. The party was fun, and the food was delicious ___.

10. Not only did I finish my homework, but I ___ studied for the upcoming test.

11. Jenny plays the piano, and she sings ___

12. Charlie is a talented artist, and he is a skilled musician ___

13. James bought a new bag, and he ___ got a pair of shoes.

14. Kev: Hi Josh, what do you think of the Italian restaurant down the street?

Josh: The restaurant is okay. They not only serve delicious pizza but ___ pasta dishes.

15. She enjoys reading novels, and she ___ likes poetry.

16. Not only did they win the game, but they ___ broke a record.

17. The new smartphone has a long battery life, ___ as a high-quality camera.

18. I'm going to the grocery store to buy some snacks, and I'll pick up some fruits ___.

19. Alan is fluent in German, and she ___speaks Spanish.

20. Would you like to volunteer for the “Taman Pustaka” ___?

Cek Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Lainnya Yuk

Sekarang sudah jadi semakin paham tentang materi also, too dan as well kan? Oh iya, kalau kamu ingin membaca materinya lagi, kamu bisa baca artikel sebelum ini ya. Di EF Blog, kamu juga bisa menemukan macam-macam latihan soal yang akan membantumu belajar bahasa Inggris secara mandiri di rumah.

Nah, kalau kamu ingin belajar bersama teman atau punya pertanyaan seputar bahasa Inggris, kamu bisa datang langsung ke sekolah EF terdekat di tempatmu. Sstt, ada juga kelas gratis bersama guru EF yang bisa kamu ikuti kalau kamu mendaftarkan nomor handphone-mu di form yang ada di halaman ini. Tertarik ikutan?